No doubt, the eye is the most important organ for seeing the world that surrounds us. The eye is a very precious sense, so it’s understandable that many people fear sudden loss or gradual loss of vision. Can you imagine losing your eyesight? The thought alone is a horrible one. As we approach old age it’s a thought that leaves an impression on our minds more and more.
Have you noticed lately that a lot more people now use eye glasses? The fact is, nobody is guaranteed perfect vision forever, but saying that there are things you can do to protect your eyesight and keep your eyes healthy. One of them is to do eye exercises.
But our concern is not about exercise, but about foods and vitamins that can improve eyesight.
To ensure that your eyesight is in optimum condition you need to consume these foods and vitamins.
Vitamin A – Vitamin A also known as retinol occurs naturally in animals. This Vitamin keeps the skin healthy and helps produce mucous secretions to build resistance to infection. If you don’t consume enough vitamin A you can end up with a condition known as Nyctalopia (Night Blindness). Night blindness is the inability to of the eye to adapt to dim light, sufferers can see in the day, but have trouble seeing in the dark or faint light.
People who don’t consume enough Vitamin A may also go on to develop a condition called Exophthalmia (Greek for dry eyes). This condition makes the surface of the eye become dry and likely to develop infection.
Vitamin A – Vitamin A can be found in plants with carotenes, the body converts these into Vitamin A. Carotenes can be found in carrots, cabbage and lettuce. Vitamin A can also be found in green and yellow vegetables, butter, eggs, fish liver oils, liver, milk and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin B2 – Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. It is needed for growth and for healthy skin and eyes. Vitamin B2 can be found in the following foods: green vegetables, poultry, fish, liver, cheese and milk.
Niacin – Niacin is also known as nicotinic acid. This Vitamin is essential for growth and for health tissues. Without Niacin, Riboflavin cannot function properly so in that respect it is quite essential. Niacin can be found in liver, yeast, lean meat, whole-grain and enriched breads and cereals.
As you can see, consuming foods and vitamins to improve your eyesight is not difficult. The vitamins a re found in common foods and sometimes you can get all of these vitamins from one single food i.e. liver appear in all the lists for the three different vitamins.
How to Protect Your Eyes from Ageing
Certainly, your vision will change as you advance in age. Whether you need to deal with some loss of vision or are looking for a way to protect your vision, these tips can help:
1. See Your Eye Doctor
See your eye doctor whenever you have a problem with your eyes. You eye doctor can help dry eyes, itchy eyes and excessive tearing. Diabetics need to have an eye exam every year. People over 40 should go at least once every five years.
2. Eye Drops
If you have dry eyes, eye drops can keep your eyes moist and comfortable. This is important because moist eyes are able to wash out particles, viruses and bacteria that can cause eye infections and irritations.
3. Don’t Smoke
Smoking increases your risk of a number of eye diseases. Avoiding smoking, and quit now if you do smoke. Smoke speeds up the damage to your eye due to the free radicals in tobacco smoke and other factors.
4. Wash Your Hands and Don’t Touch
By washing your hands and not touching your eyes frequently, you can greatly reduce your risk of eye infections. Be sure to wash your hands often during the day and keep them away from your eyes.
5. Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and antioxidants that keep your eyes healthy. Try to eat a variety of colours of fruits and vegetables every day. Be sure to include some dark-coloured ones.
6. Take a Multivitamin
There are some vitamins that are essential to eye health. To be sure you are getting the right vitamins, take a daily multivitamin. This will help protect your night vision and keep your eyes healthy throughout your life.
7. Manage Your Health Conditions
High blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic illnesses can impact the health of your eyes. By making the necessary lifestyle changes and managing your illness according to your doctor’s guidance, you can avoid some of the eye-related complications of many chronic illnesses.
8. Use Contrast
If you notice that you are having trouble seeing, try to add contrast to poorly lit places. Putting a dark piece of tape on a lightly coloured step can make a big difference in judging the step accurately. Increasing the difference between light and dark colours in your home can help you avoid falls and continue to function normally.
9. Better Lighting
Lighting can impact your ability to see. Use bright, full-spectrum lights whenever possible. Change your light bulbs and be sure that you have enough light to see clearly. If you notice vision problems, better lighting can help tremendously.
10. Sunglasses
Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory; they protect your eyes in three ways: They filter out harmful Ultra Violet rays; they keep dirt and other particles away from your eyes and they keep your eyes from drying out due to wind.
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