DOCK – A protected water area in which vessels are moored.The term is often used to denote a pier or a wharf.
DOLPHIN – A group of piles driven close together and bound with wire cables into a single structure.
DRAFT – The depth of water a boat draws.
EBB – A receding current.
FATHOM – Six feet.
FENDER – A cushion, placed between boats, or between a boat and a pier, to prevent damage.
DOCK – A protected water area in which vessels are moored.The term is often used to denote a pier or a wharf.
DOLPHIN – A group of piles driven close together and bound with wire cables into a single structure.
DRAFT – The depth of water a boat draws.
EBB – A receding current.
FATHOM – Six feet.
FENDER – A cushion, placed between boats, or between a boat and a pier, to prevent damage.
FIGURE EIGHT KNOT – A knot in the form of a figure eight, placed in the end of a line to prevent the line from passing through a grommet or a block.
FLARE – The outward curve of a vessel's sides near the bow. A distress signal.
FLOOD – A incoming current.
FLOORBOARDS – The surface of the cockpit on which the crew stand.
FLUKE – The palm of an anchor.
FOLLOWING SEA – An overtaking sea that comes from astern.
FORE-AND-AFT – In a line parallel to the keel.
FOREPEAK – A compartment in the bow of a small boat.
FORWARD – Toward the bow of the boat.
FOULED – Any piece of equipment that is jammed or entangled, or dirtied.
FREEBOARD – The minimum vertical distance from the surface of the water to the gunwale.
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