0900 LT: Posn: 08:21N – 076:36E, Around 22nm West of Kovalam, India.
A bulk carrier underway was approached twice by skiffs with a white hull and blue stripes. On the first approach a skiff with five armed persons approached and closed to 100 metres of the vessel. After four hours duty crew noticed another skiff with six armed persons approach and close to around 300-400 metres. On both occasions the on board armed security showed their weapons and the skiffs stopped. Both skiffs had speeds of 15-20 kts. Indian coast guard informed.
0230 LT: Posn: 06:01S – 106:53E, Tanjung Priok Tanker Anchorage, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Three persons in a wooden boat approached an anchored chemical tanker. Alert duty crew on routine rounds noticed the boat and informed the D/O who raised the alarm. Crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the boat moved away.
0430 LT: Posn : 01:28N – 104:44E, Around 18nm NE of Tg Berakit, Bintan Island, Indonesia.
Four persons armed with a long knife boarded an anchored bulk carrier via the stern using a grapnel hook and rope. Alert duty crew raised the alarm resulting in the suspected robbers escaping without stealing anything. All crew safe.
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