2308 LT: 11.8.5N-074:16.3W: Puerto Prodeco Anchorage, Colombia.
2308 LT: 11.8.5N-074:16.3W: Puerto Prodeco Anchorage, Colombia.
Duty officer onboard an anchored bulk carrier noticed an unidentified person on the forecastle and immediately informed the deck security guard and port security guard to investigate. When they arrived at the forecastle they noticed two robbers climbing down the anchor chain and trying to escape by swimming in heavy seas and swell. One of the robbers was rescued by throwing a lifebuoy while the other disappeared out of sight. Later, the robber was taken ashore by the security. Nothing stolen.
0220 LT: Posn: 07:05.3S 112:39.4E, Gresik Inner Anchorage, Indonesia.
Four robbers boarded an anchored bulk carrier. They forced their way into the forward store and stole ship’s property. When noticed by the crew, the robbers jumped overboard and escaped. Port control informed.
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