Patrick Osita (Coordinator SNFFIEC)
Patrick Osita (Coordinator SNFFIEC)
The best solution to the crisis of NCMDLCA is for both factional presidents to resign as arrow heads then allow other younger individuals to come on board and move the association forward. Court case or not, I think they can both leave the scene when the ovation is loudest, but I wonder what is so special about being the head of an association for decades. First thing first, settle out of court, leave the scene then allow young bloods to carry on. Even when they resign as presidents, they can both act as advisers to the younger generation too.
Chief Ben Ndee ( Factional Sec. Gen NCMDLCA )
There are so many factors associated with the issues surrounding both parties, but once those issues can be addressed I think the house will be in order. Some of these issues include the court case, calling Amiwero for a meeting that he always ignores and other burning issues about the association. But once these issuess are addressed, I believe the problems faced by council will be a thing of the past.
Festus Ukwu (NCMDLCA)
The only solution to the problem is for both parties to come together, then settle it amicably out of court. I think dialogue is the only solution to the problem at the moment, but be informed that the matter is still pending before the court, and the court decision is paramount except they agree to throw the case into a trash can.
Simeon Nwonu ( PRO NAGAFF)
As far as I am concerned, the only way out is to follow the matter constitutionally. If the council has a constitution; for instance knowing what the constitution says on issue of leadership position, but as far as I am concerned Lucky Aniwero is a greedy man, in the sense that having become president of the council since inception, he should back out for another person to step in thereby creating room for somebody else to takeover. Is he a live President? And again does the council not operate on democratic principles? So, how could somebody just be there from year to year, whose mandate is he working on as the president of the council? This goes to show that Lucky Amiwero as a person doesn't behave like a decent person under the law of natural justice.
Chief Goodluck Onunji (Chairman NAGAFF, PTML)
They know what their problems are and that is a fact. If at all they have an issue on ground before, what I think they should do is to settle the matter amicable within themselves. I am a NAGAFF member and when we have issues we know how to settle it, it is just like when a man and a woman having a misunderstanding; both of them know how it started and the secret behind it, so it is up to them. I opined that they should tell themselves the truth and that is the only solution to this crisis. It involves sitting down to dialogue, they do not need to go to court to resolve this issue it is something they can do amongst themselves.
Chief Emmauel Tobi ( ANLCA)
For this matter to be in court this shows how ill matured they are in handling issue, I am so sorry to say this but this is the truth. Because why would they be fighting over one post or the other, whereby there should be a rule guarding every association. My best advice is that an election should be conducted and whoever wins becomes the president of the association. This is what they should have done for a long time, instead all they do is fight and take matters to court, a round table talk should be called between Lucky and Festus so as to settle their differences amicably.
Dr Frank Ukor (President, AREFFN)
What I think will solve the problem is that they should come together and organise an election, whoever wins becomes the president. I know for a long time an election has not been conducted and I think this is the best time for everyone to come together in one unity and see how to bring out the best for the association. I do not believe taking this matter to court can solve anything, rather they should do the right thing at the right time by conducting an election and whoever wins becomes the president of the association.
Emeka Chidika (Assistant Sec, ANLCA Lilypond)
You know as a child grows problem comes and also personal ego comes, the issue here is that they place themselves so high in the sector we find ourselves and what do I mean by placing themselves so high- they want to seek relevance in the industry, that is one, secondly personal factors whereby no one wants to step down for another is a problem. But Lucky Amiwero who claims to be the founder of that association wants to use that opportunity to dictate for his members on what they should do which is not right, he can't remain there forever. I know they weren't voted in through the constitution. So, I don't think any solution is needed since the matter has been taking to court. Let the court decide and whoever wins becomes the new president because we cannot decide for the judge, the law must play its own role by placing its verdict.
Anslem Njemaneze (Chairman ANLCA Lilypond)
The solution is for them to come together on a round table and settle the matter amicably out of court, because whatever we decide without the decision of the court is a waste. So we do not have a solution to this problem except they withdraw the case and allow the association to handle the case, but as long as the matter is still in court I have nothing to say because there is a superior body entirely to adjudicate this issue until the case is determined in court, we have no opinion because if we will bring in our own opinion it won’t fit in with the decisions of the court, we are just bordering our heads unnecessary over an in house issue which they can resolve within themselves instead of taking it to court.
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