Dan Williams (PRO,FFAN )
Dan Williams (PRO,FFAN )
The problem with government agencies is inconsistency. Senior officers who commit crime are being transferred to another command to continue their sharp practices and introduction of illegal charges by officers of customs during the tenure of Dikko is common. Yes he has done so well for himself, customs and the entire rank and the file to earn an extension, but I believe the custom still has a lot to do to secure the country’s borders and make sure that there is no illegal entry of good, so as to stop illegal importation of arms and ammunitions that has littered the nation and are in the hands of some extremist who are now using it to inflict pains and cause untimely death to the general masses.
Dr Boniface Aniebonam (NAGAFF Founder)
The CG is a civil servant, and the rule of engagement is very clear in the civil service rule which is either 35 years or 60 years, whichever one that comes first. And I do know that the CG of custom is not up to 35 years in service, I do not think there is any information as to issues of gross misconduct in the cause of his duty as a CG of customs. I think some of these things are becoming undue distraction to the customs service, because from my strategic position some level of discontent is being created among the management team which is not good. There is a lot of problem in the port; CG is not the problem here, there are issues all over the port; when you talk about charges, access road, truck terminals, Cabotage law, and rail line. Let’s talk about compliance on the part of importers and exporters who engage freight forwarder in carrying out their responsibility and also corruption, these are what we should be talking about, and I believe the CG has done his best.
Mr. Sampson Chima (Registrar NIS)
The CG by my own assessment has done enough in the custom service; most of the policy which was implemented by him during his tenure has being actualized. It was during his tenure that most of the customs reformation was done thereby trying to achieve the 48 hours cargo clearance even though we had lots of hitches, from RAR to PAAR. So I believe he has put in his best and he should be giving an extension and I believe this will give him more opportunities to unveil more plans and his vision for all customs agent, even our country will benefit from it.
Mr. Sony Ugorji (Clearing Agent)
He has done his best in his own way and we commend him for that, but he should leave for someone else to come in. I believe it will be nice if a new CG is appointed so we can see what he can offer. There are many problems, and also the issue of PAAR is not helping matters at all; they use it to extort money from us. I do not see why PAAR is put in place without being used, but rather they find a way of collecting from us, instead of helping the masses the government always have their way of favoring anyone that they want to remain in service.
Chief Imam Machi (Customs Agent)
Whatever thing we must have done does not change the fact that when your time is up you have to go for someone else to step in. He has tried his best but there is a lot that needs to be put in place. When you talk about securing our goods at the border, we need security. They use their position for criminal act, covering all their evil deeds that is why he is seeking for another tenure, he should go so that the masses will have a say and those who are involved in these crimes will be revealed and brought to justices.
John Ihenacho (Freight Forwarder)
There is no need for another extension, this job is do your beat and I do mine and you let another person come in to continue from where you stop or even do more. We need somebody with a fresh idea, the only issue we are having is on PAAR and when that is resolved, things will go forwar; take for example when you are being issued a value for your goods or cargo the same people who issued that will be same people to query you, it is so annoying. All we need is some one who has a plan and vision for us; not one who will come with different laws.
Dike Kalu (NAGAFF, Tin Can)
The implementation of his policy is something we can not comprehend, PAAR is raising alarm by the day and also they raise query, I mean this is something we all should be talking about not extension. The CG has done well during his tenure, he came on board with good intention, but all of his laws are not turning right and are not helping matters at all. Looking at the other side he has being ill-advised on taking certain decisions and the truth of this whole issue started when he introduced PAAR. The same customs officers will come for their document and still the same people will end up giving you whatever they feel is their choice to give; not minding how you feel about it.
Hyacint Elucha(Freight Forwarder)
Well for the CG to remain in his office or to be given an extension when we have millions of Nigerians that are qualified, the best way we can get a good result of a food is when you taste it. I think he has taken his own part whether first or second tenure he should leave for another to come in, he has done a nice job in the customs service. I believe we have the right to choose who we want to occupy that position may be from the Hausa, Igbo or Yoruba. Because we see that mostly the northern part is dominating this post which is not meant to be so. We have seen that he is capable, but someone else should come in and give us his own new and fresh idea, so we can see how the custom service will improve in decision making or when implementing laws which are not favorable to the masses.
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