Liebherr container cranes confirmed a number of orders from existing clients which are due for handover this year.
Liebherr container cranes confirmed a number of orders from existing clients which are due for handover this year.
Exolgan Container Terminal in Buenos Aires, Argentina has purchased a further ship to shore container crane from Liebherr Container Cranes Ltd. The commissioning of this crane which is due to be completed in the coming months will bring to nine, the number of Liebherr ship to shore cranes at Exolgan Container Terminal. Like the previous crane which was handed over last September, this crane has an outreach of 51.5m a safe working load of 62.5 t under twinlift spreader, has a lift height over rail of 40 m and can handle vessels with up to 20 rows of containers.
HPC Ukrania will purchase 3 further Liebherr ship to shore cranes. The cranes have an outreach of 54.5 m, a lift height over rail of 41.5 m, a safe working load of 65 tonnes under twin lift spreader and will be capable of servicing vessels with up to 20 rows of containers. The cranes are for the new deepwater container terminal at Quarintine Mole, Odessa. HPC Ukrania already operate a number of Liebherr ship to shore cranes at the existing Odessa Container Terminal.
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