Lloyd’s Register announced last week that Diana’s ‘Maersk Malacca’ is the first Greek owned vessel to be issued with Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) certification by Lloyd’s Register.
Lloyd’s Register announced last week that Diana’s ‘Maersk Malacca’ is the first Greek owned vessel to be issued with Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) certification by Lloyd’s Register.
Simeon Palios, Director and President of Diana Shipping Services S.A., said: “We are proud to be amongst the pioneers in obtaining a Maritime Labour Certificate and in implementing the Convention’s requirements onboard our vessel ‘Maersk Malacca’. This achievement was made possible through the strong relationship built over the years with our seafarers and also via Lloyd’s Register’s strong support and knowledge sharing.”
The initial vessel inspection was carried out on board the Marshall Islands registered container ship at Livorno on 19 December 2012 where it was found to be in full compliance with the requirements of the Maritime Convention.
The MLC certificate has now been handed over to Simeon Palios by Apostolos Poulovassilis, Lloyd’s Register Marine Regional Manager EMEA, during a ceremony at the premises of the company in Athens. “This is a major addition to the package of International Maritime Regulations which should go a long way in ensuring a level playing field for decent working and living conditions on board ships globally.”, said Apostolos Poulovassilis.
“We are very pleased to be presenting this first to Diana Shipping Services S.A. and congratulations go to their management, shore and seaboard staff for all their great efforts in achieving full compliance. Diana Shipping Services S.A. is one of a number of other leading shipping companies who are prudently navigating their way to early compliance with MLC well before the deadline of August 2013.”
Apostolos Poulovassilis added: “LR, working as a recognised organisation (RO) on the behalf of Flag States, is well placed and ready to support companies in this task with a strong workforce of more than 300 inspectors – in the key worldwide ports – who are fully trained, qualified and available to address the large volume of ship inspections required in this less-than 8 month period before the convention enters into force.”
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