0530 UTC: Posn: 14:17.4N – 049:51.7E, Around 40nm SE of Mukalla City, Yemen, Gulf of Aden.
0530 UTC: Posn: 14:17.4N – 049:51.7E, Around 40nm SE of Mukalla City, Yemen, Gulf of Aden.
Four skiffs with around six persons in each skiff approached an oil tanker underway from the port bow, mid-ships and astern. Master raised alarm, took anti piracy measures, informed UKMTO and all non essential crew retreated to the citadel. Onboard armed security team fired warning shots resulting in the skiffs stopping the approach at a distance of around four cables from the vessel. Ladder and RPG sighted in the approaching skiffs. A warship was deployed to the location for assistance.
0400 LT: Posn: 03:33.36S – 114:26.55E, Taboneo Anchorage, Indonesia.
An anchored bulk carrier was boarded by robbers who stole ship’s stores and escaped unnoticed. Master reported the incident to port control.
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