0400 LT: Posn: Mooring Buoys, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
0400 LT: Posn: Mooring Buoys, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
During routine rounds duty cadet onboard a moored bulk carrier noticed the paint store’s lock missing. Upon approaching the store the cadet was confronted by three robbers and taken hostage. When he did not respond to calls from the bridge the OOW sent the duty AB to investigate. The cadet was found lying on the deck with a bag over his head and his hands tied up. Alarm raised and all crew mustered. The robbers had escaped with stolen ship’s stores. Local police notified. The cadet suffered injuries due to being beaten by the robbers.
0245 LT: Posn: 03:42S – 114:25E, Taboneo Anchorage, Indonesia.
Duty AB on routine rounds onboard an anchored bulk carrier, noticed two boats near the port bow and three armed robbers on the forecastle deck. The AB immediately informed the duty officer who raised the alarm, sounded the ship’s fog horn and mustered the crew. As the robbers were armed with knives and a gun the Master instructed the crew to stay in the accommodation. The robbers stole ship’s stores and properties and escaped in their boats. Coast Guard and Port Authorities contacted via Vhf channel 16 but received no response.
0045 LT: Posn: 05:57S – 106:46E, Bay of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Five robbers in a wooden boat approached and boarded an anchored LNG tanker. OOW noticed the robbers attempting to steal ships stores on the bridge CCTV. Alarm raised and crew mustered. Upon hearing the alarm and seeing the crew alertness, the robbers escaped empty handed in their boat.
0030 LT: Posn: 21:46.2N – 091:47.7E, Chittagong Lightening Anchorage, Bangladesh.
During routine rounds on board an anchored bulk carrier, duty security guard was confronted by two robbers. He informed the OOW who raised the alarm and crew mustered. The robbers escaped in their boats with some stolen provisions. Coastguard and vessels in the vicinity notified. The security guard suffered minor head injuries, which were tended to on board the vessel.
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