2215 LT: Posn 01:04N – 104:12E, Tanjung Uban Jetty No.1, Indonesia.
Second engineer onboard a berthed LPG tanker noticed a robber in the engine room. He shouted at the robber and approached him. The robber moved towards the steering gear room where two more robbers armed with metal rods were noticed. Seeing the alert crew the robbers escaped. 2/E alerted the remaining crew and a search of the vessel carried out. Terminal security and agents notified. All crew safe.
2215 LT: Posn 01:04N – 104:12E, Tanjung Uban Jetty No.1, Indonesia.
Second engineer onboard a berthed LPG tanker noticed a robber in the engine room. He shouted at the robber and approached him. The robber moved towards the steering gear room where two more robbers armed with metal rods were noticed. Seeing the alert crew the robbers escaped. 2/E alerted the remaining crew and a search of the vessel carried out. Terminal security and agents notified. All crew safe.
0510 LT: Posn 01:14N – 103:28E, Around 2nm SW of Tanjung Piai, Malaysia.
Engine room crew, onboard an anchored tanker noticed two unauthorised persons in the steering gear room. OOW on bridge informed. Alarm raised, crew mustered and search initiated. CSO and Port facility security officer notified. No unauthorised persons found onboard.
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